Board Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2018 Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place of Meeting: Oracle Community Center
Call to Order 6:01
Roll Call and determination of the Quorum by Vice President - present Laura Stiltner, Carolee Herndon, Lois Black, Anna-Maria Martin, Karen Hauca (guest), Dan Hibner, Fred Patterson, Carolyn Blair, Elvia Schwenke. Absent - Jim Pollack, Lisa Trease, Justin Palmer, Judy Kalish
Open Floor to Public at 6:05 p.m.: Guest speakers must sign in 15 minutes prior to start of meeting and will only be guaranteed 3 minutes to speak. Later arrivals may attend, but may not address the Board.
Guest speakers: Karen Hauca offers the OCC a safety class. She’s an Oracle resident and runs AZ Safety Solutions. She teaches first aid, CPR, AED, slip-trip-fall, blood borne pathogens, smoke alarms and similar classes. Many are free or relatively inexpensive. She is a retired firefighter since 1982 and a current EMT since 1983. She would like to hold classes here, open to the community: kids classes and senior classes. She is a licensed training provider (LTP) for American Red Cross & other agencies. She wants to get the education out to the public. She offers blended classes - hands on skill class plus online lecture portion. AZ Safety Solutions is on Facebook. Her website is “Have mannequins, will travel.” The Board offers her commercial weekday rental rates and proposes to hire her to lead classes for us at a later date.
Introduce new Board members:
Lois Black: From Joliet Illinois originally, she had 3 kids, was a dressmaker and designer, moved to Oracle 2012, is an active bowler, is now a widow, and likes to be involved in the community because involvement gives her something to do. Anna-Maria Martin: Born in St. Vincent in the Caribbean, she lived & worked in Virginia 18 years, reorganized her life & moved to Canada with artists, and ended up in Oracle accidentally. It has become her second home and she wants to give back to the warm, welcoming community here.
Discussion of Debiann Hyman as a Board member:
Stiltner: she’s a friend and a neighbor, but she’s still ill. It might be better for her to start with a committee. But she wants to be involved.
Hibner: perhaps a small role in the Oaks Festival.
Schwenke: we’re very active, and it’s a busy time.
Board consensus: Please accept a small role.
Approval of Meeting Minutes from November 13, 2018: So moved by Schwenke, seconded by Black, passes unanimously.
Treasurer: by Dan Hibner: See attached written report. The Oaks Festival is our biggest financial boost all year. Memberships and rentals help. What we need is sustaining donors. This should be in place in the next 12 months so the OCC is sustainable. An accountant should come in and review our accounting practices so we have a very reliable process so sustaining donors will feel secure. Patterson moves to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Blair seconds, passes unanimously.
Maintenance: by Justin Palmer: Palmer is absent. Stiltner speaks. The septic just got pumped; grease has been running into the septic system, which greatly reduces the septic system’s efficiency. Both have been pumped now. The $450 Board-approved cost is now spent. The mini-kitchen needs organizing appliances and decorating. Back storage has a rat hole, probably the work of the large animal who exited a few months ago. There has been great improvement in storage organization.
Membership: by Elvia Schwenke: We should hold a membership drive at the Oaks Festival. We currently have about 230 members.
Website: by Laurel Wilson: The Membership page is active with online payments. Email lists are working but contain 10% or so inaccuracies with lapsed members or outdated emails. Pages for rentals, Oaks Festival applications, and donors are in process.
Old Business
Oaks Festival update by Black: We have a few high school bands and other groups who have kids, animals, & maybe even floats for the parade. Dec. 18 Tuesday 6 PM is the next meeting. A local miner is bringing a huge rock and tools for mining games with prizes. Word is getting out; cards are getting visible. Other local organizers are contacting their vendor lists for us. Herndon is contacting food trucks. Board members are working on a brochure to offer corporate sponsors hoping for support from Fry’s, Lowe’s, Home Depot, Tractor Supply Company, Oracle Ford, 3C, Apache Sky Casino.
Christmas Activity Night update
Luminarias: OWN is taking care of this. A team is managing assembly & organization.
Volunteers & Board attendees are making food, hot chocolate, cider, game tables for kids to decorate cookies, face painting, snowflake paper cutting, origami ornaments, caroling, and 100 goodie bags for the kids are ready. Please dress in holiday themes at the event.
Timing for decorating the hall and tree: 10AM Friday the 14th for Board members. We have plenty of decorations and lights. On Saturday, show up at 3:30 for a 4:30 event start.
December 31st Monday lunch: shall we do something special? Sparkling juice, soup & salad? Silly hats & glasses? Everybody - please push their cooks to volunteer! We need help.
Property by the Baptist Church: a prior OCC president deeded that land back to Pinal County. Hibner has no idea why the OCC gave the land back.
Sponsorship and donation thank-you menu: need to make up our minds about the contents & follow through.
New Business
Lights for bands and evening events: There is a financial roadblock. We also need to fix poles on the stage for the tarp for shade during the Oaks Festival.
Ongoing classes: price and cleaning agreement checkup: Wilson will make an agreement based on the existing Hall Rental Agreement.
Advisory Committee update: The next election is in February. We need a President Elect. Some of the committee think their job was just to count votes last year. So there has been no action in recruiting leaders. Do we need a search committee? A different group? Advertising? The Board agrees to email the membership and ask for help. Other solutions are discussed, but not decided.
OCC Safety class: We need a safety training for anybody who does kitchen work. Perhaps AZSafetySolutions will be a good vendor for that.
Herndon attended Pinal County Economic Conference representing the OCC. The PCEC loves the Zipline. They think Oracle needs to be more “open to corporate growth”. Many new businesses are going in to Copper Corridor. Central Arizona College is trying to benefit future jobs in course design (like a grant writing course). There is a factory that plans to build electric semi trucks. Some of these corporations might be good sponsor targets.
Adjourn: 7:50 Black moves to adjourn, Herndon seconds, passes unanimously.