OCC Hall Rental Policies & Procedures
Hourly (up to four hours)- $75.00 per hour
All-day- $500.00 per day
Funeral luncheon- $100
Rentals are accepted on a first come first serve reservation deposit.
$100.00 refundable cash deposit holds the reservation.
Rental amount is due two days before the event date.
Please make checks out to Oracle Community Center or OCC.
The deposit holds the date and is refundable within 5 days following the event if the center is left clean and undamaged.
Checks will be deposited on or after the event.
Photo ID is required for check payments.
For cancellations, the deposit is refundable if the cancellation is two weeks in advance and in writing. More lenient terms may be available at the Board’s discretion.
This Hall Rental agreement must be completed, signed, and accepted before the event begins.
The undersigned is the renter. The renter represents and warrants that the renter is acting as an authorized representative of the organizers of the event and is empowered to execute this agreement for the temporary use of the Oracle Community Center.
The large commercial kitchen is NOT part of the rental. We cannot keep the Health Department happy with the public using this facility.
The renter may use the mini-kitchen which has a microwave, refrigerator, sink, and small counter space. Electrical outlets in the hall work well for hot plates, steamers, and similar appliances. Food preparation should occur off-site.
DO NOT leave food or appliances unsupervised in the hall at any time. Electrical breakers sometimes activate. Appliances sometimes fail.
The renter shall have use of the unlocked areas of the Oracle Community Center building and grounds.
Under no circumstances are guests allowed on the property of the Union Church or the Oracle Cemetery during the event.
No camping is allowed on the property.
Check-in time is 10:00 AM unless permission for different hours is given by the Board or office manager.
All events must cease by 12 midnight. This includes cleaning, locking up, and vacating the premises. Failure to do so may result in additional charges or loss of deposit.
It is the responsibility of the renter to ensure that the size of the group assembling does not exceed the maximum capacity of 150 people at any time during the event.
Any of the Board of Directors, the office manager, and/or local law enforcement officers shall have the right to enter the premises at any time.
Alcoholic beverages are allowed but MUST be consumed inside the building or on the back patio. No alcohol may be consumed in the parking lots or grounds. No alcohol may be sold at any event at any time. No one under 21 years of age is permitted to consume alcoholic beverages. Any event violating this term may be shut down without further notice without refund or deposit return. Law enforcement may become involved.
Smoking is allowed ONLY on the back patio. Cigarette butts must be disposed of properly in the receptacles provided. Butts found in planters, landscaping, parking lots, or inside the building may result in loss of deposit.
No illegal drugs are permitted on the property. Any event violating this term may be shut down without further notice without refund or deposit return. Law enforcement may become involved.
Decorations are permitted. No decorations shall be hung from fixtures. Masking tape is the only fastener allowed on the walls. No tape is permitted on the ceiling panels. The existing decor may not be removed but may be covered.
No Confetti or Fireworks are allowed.
The renter is responsible that the building, furnishings, and grounds being left in the same condition in which they were turned over for the event.
All trash must be removed from the building and grounds then placed in the large trash container outside. Please break boxes down before putting them in the trash.
Decorating, the event and cleaning must all take place during the rental period.
The renter agrees to pay for any additional damages from misuse or failure to properly lock the building, from additional cleaning needed, or from work needed to restore the facility to the state it was in before the event.
Please refer to the Cleaning Manager Checklist provided for more information about the details checked when determining the deposit return.
Please take a moment to locate the fire extinguishers in the hall. In the event fire equipment is used, there will be a fee for recharging the equipment. The small canister refill is $25.00 and the large canister refill is $35.00.
Any fundraising activity must have prior permission of the Board of Directors. The privileges granted by this permission are exclusive to the renter and may not be reassigned or transferred.
The Board reserves the right to review and approve or deny any news releases, advertising, or social media posts that identify the Oracle Community Center at any time.
The Oracle Community Center is a politically neutral space. All news releases, advertising, and social media related to political candidates, lobbying, or ballot measures may not imply that the Oracle Community Center endorses any candidate, issue, lobby, or measure. The Board reserves the right to review and approve or deny any such media at any time.
Renters are limited to one-directional sign on the property near the road and one roadside greeter to direct traffic.
The renter is responsible for the conduct of children attending the event.
No animals except certified service dogs are allowed in the building.
Excessive noise from any source is unacceptable. The renter is responsible to keep noise to a reasonable level acceptable to nearby residents. Any event violating this term may be shut down without further notice without refund or deposit return. Law enforcement may become involved.
Any charges in addition to the rental fee will first be deducted from the deposit. If the renter abides by these terms and the premises are clean and in good condition, the deposit will be returned within 5 days after the event.
The cooler or heater must be turned off at the end of your rental. If either are left on a deduction will be taken from the deposit.
Failure to comply with these terms will result in partial or complete loss of the deposit and may result in additional charges in the case of damages exceeding the deposit.
The renter agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Oracle Community Center, its Board of Directors, and the office manager from and against all liens, claims, actions, demands, costs, and expenses whatsoever on account of any real or claimed damages occurring in or arising out of the use of the Oracle Community Center and its facilities.
Failure to comply with Rental Policy and Procedures may result in a portion or the entirety of the deposit being remitted.