Become a Member

It is because of you, our Oracle Community Center members, that we are able to continue. We offer a clean, safe, and welcoming place to gather and enjoy friends and family. Unlike area community and senior centers, we do not receive any government funding or tax subsidies. We rely on your membership, income generated from hall rentals, and your donations to promote our mission.
Members receive notices on upcoming events with opportunities to join classes.
Member Perks!
- $50 discount on 4-hour hall rental
- $100 discount on full day hall rental
-One Free Lunch for an individual -OR- 2 free lunch tickets per family membership (new members & renewals)
We are a unique center. Upgrading the center is an ongoing project. The expenses for utilities, insurance, and maintenance continue as well.
Looking for other ways to get involved with the Oracle Community Center?
Enhancing our Community
OCC Membership Online Sign-Up
Individual Member
20$Every year- One year membership to the Oracle Community Center
Family Membership
30$Every year- One year family membership to Oracle Community Center.
If you prefer to download and mail a check please upload your form here and mail to PO BOX 1382, Oracle, AZ 85623